vert_longThere are three different classes of fire retardant treatments available. Check with your local building official to determine which Class A, B or C roof is best suited in your area.

FSR’s fire retardant of Western Red Cedar Shakes and Shingles. Our pressure treated roofing material meets all local and state wildland urban interface requirements.

classAClass “A” Fire Retardant Treatment

This classification uses a Class “B” fire retardant treated product along with a UL (Underwriters Laboratories) rated fire retardant fiberglass cap sheet underlay A Class “A” product is effective against severe fire exposures. Under such exposures, roof coverings afford a fairly high degree pose no flying-brand hazard.

classbClass “B” Fire Retardant Treatment

Class “B” fire retardant treatment is effective against moderate fire exposures. Under such exposures, roof coverings of this class are not readily flammable, afford a moderate degree of fire protection to the roof deck, do not slip from position and pose no flying-brand hazard.


classctestClass “C” Fire Retardant Treatment

A product that is effective against light fire exposures. Under such exposures, roof coverings of this class are not readily flammable, afford a measurable degree of fire protection to the roof deck, do not slip from position and pose no flying-brand hazard.

10 Year Real-Time Weathering TestAdditional Treatments Available:

Optional treatments that have passed the California State Fire Marshall & ICC 10 year, real-time weathering test are available where required.

